Neva Newhouse Massage Therapy LLC

Invest in yourself. Relax. Replenish. Revitalize.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?

Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. Soft music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.

Must I be completely undressed?

Undress to the level of your comfort. You will be beneath sheets and completely covered. I will undrape each section at a time to work on the area. With this I will ask you to undress to your underwear or nude.

Will the practitioner be present when I disrobe?

No. I will step outside and give you time to undress and get comfy on the table, ensuring you are completely covered before I come back in.

What parts of my body will be massaged?

In a full body massage we focus on - back  - glutes - posterior legs - feet - anterior legs - arms - hands - shoulders - neck - head - *face

*face is requested as to not everyone prefers it

What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?

Relax. If I need to reposition you, I will do so with ease. I prefer to let the client take lead if they'd like to chat or not.

How will I feel after the massage or bodywork session?

Possibly sore, depending on the bodywork we have done. Lots of water helps alleviate this.

Are there any medical conditions that would make massage or bodywork inadvisable?

Yes. That's why it's imperative that, before you begin your session, the practitioner asks general health questions. It is very important that you inform the practitioner of any health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor's care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage or bodywork prior to any session. Depending on the condition, approval from your doctor may be required. We have you fill out a complete health history form to ensure all bodywork is done safely. If you have any of the following please discuss with MT 

Fever - Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem - Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication - Recent operations or acute injuries - Neuritis - Skin diseases